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So, you live with a cat...

Cats are different. 

As my anatomy professor, Dr Ed Smallwood, used to say: “A cat is NOT a small dog!”

Some cats are cuddly, some are aloof.  Some love other cats.  Some hate any other cat. 

But one thing is for certain: when you have a good cat who allows you to live with them, it’s pretty fantastic. 

And there are a lot of benefits to living with a cat!  A 2008 study found that cat owners were 30% less likely to have a heart attacks.  Their purr has been shown to lower stress and blood pressure.  They can help autistic people communicate and help battle depression.  They offer unconditional love (on their terms, of course) and most importantly: are the stars in some of the funniest videos on the web!

All this being said: it’s easy to see why it’s sooo important to keep that beautiful feline healthy!  If she’s not healthy, she can’t keep you healthy. 

Here at River Road, we call our care “Wholistic.”  Wholistic refers to the whole, a whole item or whole body of a person or thing. The word defines the consideration of the entire structure or makeup, which includes the body, mind and the spirit. 

What does wholisitc care mean for your cat?  It means looking at every part to achieve and maintain optimum health:  progressive preventative care, nutrition review and counseling, and behavior discussions.  To treat we use conventional medicine in concert with alternative management (such as laser, acupuncture, behavior modification) to create an integrated approach.

We recommend the following for adult cats as baseline preventative care and wellness:

  • Annual exam, nutrition and behavior review
  • Spay or neuter
  • Vaccinations as indicated by lifestyle           
  • Year round heartworm and flea prevention (yes, even if they are indoor only!)  
  • Annual wellness lab work  (includes FIV/FeLV/Heartworm disease testing, fecal exam, CBC/chemistry)
  • For senior cats (generally over 7 years) we recommend twice annual exams (because so much can change in a short time) and more extensive lab work