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Cat Standards of Care

  • Annual Exam
    • Twice Annual for senior cats over age 7 yrs
  • Spay / Neuter
  • Annual counseling for planned breeding
  • Annual behavior review
  • Annual diet review, obesity counseling as needed
  • Microchipping & Behavior training as needed

A combination of the following vaccines, based on risk factors established during the exam and AAHA Vaccine Guidelines.  We use all available non-adjuvanted vaccines for cats:

  • Rabies – as required by law:
    • Initial / annual, then every 3 years
  • FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis / Caliciviruses / Panleukopenia)
    • Full kitten series (every 3 weeks starting at 6 weeks of age until 16 weeks of age)
    • Every 3 years after first annual visit around age 18 months
  • FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus)
    • Full kitten series (2 vaccines 3 weeks apart between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks)
    • Annual vaccination until 2 yrs of age for all cats
    • Annual testing and revaccination every 2 years for life of high risk cats
  • FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)
    • Initial series for at risk cats after client counseling
    • In conjunction with microchipping
    • Annual revaccination for life of high risk cats
  • Annual Fecal Exam
  • Annual deworming
  • Annual disease screening annually (Heartworm/FIV/FeLV)
  • Year round heartworm prevention
  • Year round flea prevention
  • Tick prevention for at risk cats
  • Annual bloodwork screening – basic for kittens and adults
  • Semi annual senior panels for cats over 7 years
  • Oral home care (brushing/dental diet/Healthy Mouth)
  • Dental health treats