Educational Articles

Cats + Medical Conditions

  • Feline upper respiratory infection (URI) is one term for a respiratory infection caused by one or more viral or bacterial agents. Synonyms for this condition include feline infectious respiratory disease and feline upper respiratory disease complex (URD).

  • An FHO, or femoral head ostectomy, is a surgical procedure that aims to restore pain-free mobility to a diseased or damaged hip by removing the head and neck of the femur (the long leg bone or thighbone). This procedure is commonly recommended for cats, especially those who are at a healthy weight. Active cats often experience better results with FHO than less-active cats. It is important to follow your veterinarian's post-operative instructions. Most cats will show signs of complete recovery approximately six weeks post-operatively.

  • To be classified as a fever of unknown origin (FUO), the body temperature must be above 103.5°F (39.7°C) for longer than a few days, with no obvious underlying cause based on history and physical examination. A fever is beneficial to the body, but if a fever remains above 106°F (41.1°C) for more than a few days several consequences occur within the body and can be life threatening. If your pet has a fever, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination, perform diagnostic blood tests, urine culture, and possibly other diagnostic tests. Antibiotics are often prescribed. Cats that have persistent fever or a fever that waxes and wanes must undergo a thorough work-up so that the cause of fever can be discovered and treated before irreversible damage occurs.

  • Fibrocartilaginous embolus (FCE) or fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (FCEM) refers to a condition caused by a piece of fibrocartilaginous material thought to originate from an intervertebral disc, lodging in an artery or vein, causing decreased blood flow to an area of the spinal cord. Confirmatory diagnosis requires MRI. Treatment is primarily supportive.

  • Tail injuries are common and can sometimes be managed with home first aid but some cases require veterinary care. Abrasions are mild scrapes that can be treated with daily cleaning and application of antibiotic ointment. Lacerations are more serious cuts that may expose underlying muscle and bone requiring stitches and often antibiotics. Tail fractures can heal well if they occur near the tip of the tail but if bones are severely damaged then amputation may be required. Nerve damage can occur from fractures, crushing injuries or severe tail pulls causing stretching or tearing of the nerves and can result in loss of fecal and urinary continence and can also result in a limp tail.

  • Despite common belief, an average cat experiences only minor skin irritation in response to flea bites. Even in the presence of dozens of fleas, there will typically be minimal itching. On the other hand, a cat with flea allergies will have a severe reaction to even a single flea bite. Affected cats experience intense itching and will chew, lick, or scratch the affected site(s) nonstop, causing hair loss and possibly open sores or scabs on the skin, allowing a secondary bacterial infection to develop. Strict flea control is the foundation of successful treatment. There are many highly effective flea control products for treating the cat and controlling fleas in the environment.

  • A focal seizure refers to an abnormal electrical activity surge confined to a specific area of the brain. Fly-biting seizures are a type of focal seizure in which a cat snaps at the air like she is biting at invisible flies. Although the only way to definitively determine that fly-biting and other suspected focal seizures are caused by seizure activity is through an electroencephalogram (EEG), this test is often impractical due to the unpredictable nature of the seizures. The same anti-epileptic medications used for generalized seizures are typically used in managing focal seizures.

  • Follicular conjunctivitis is an eye condition that primarily affects young dogs, under 18 months of age. Follicular conjunctivitis is often caused by allergens, such as dust, grass, and weeds. Mild cases of follicular conjunctivitis do not require treatment. If your dog’s eye is uncomfortable, treatment may include saline rinses, topical steroids, and possible debridement.

  • Food allergies can be problematic for many cats, especially after years on the same diet. Clinical signs may manifest as gastrointestinal or skin problems. Animal proteins are the most common causes and strict avoidance is the best way to treat affected cats. An 8 to 12-week elimination diet trial on a special veterinary diet is the only definitive method to diagnose a food allergy and, in some cases, the veterinary diet may need to be continued long-term.

  • Adverse food reactions in cats are either caused by food allergy – an immune response to something ingested or food intolerance – a non-immunological response to something ingested. Signs of food intolerance are generally digestive in nature only. Food intolerance will generally occur on the initial exposure to the food or food additive in contrast to food allergy which requires repeated exposures to develop. Different causes of food intolerance include food poisoning, or inappropriate ingestion of an irritant, reaction to food additives, histamine reactions, lactose intolerance and dietary indiscretion such as eating fat or bones. A dietary history is important in diagnosing these conditions.