Illustrated Articles

Dogs + Behavior & Training

  • Dogs, like people, need to practice their social skills. Spending time with other dogs will help your dog hone his ability to read his friends’ body language and to communicate effectively. These skills decrease the development of dog related fear and aggression. Play groups in an organized or more relaxed setting are beneficial for both your growing puppy and adult dog. Canine and human socialization occur simultaneously and dog owners enjoy meeting new friends, too. Watching dogs play is a great way to reduce your stress level. Socializing should be pleasant for you and your dog, so find a comfortable group and setting and have fun!

  • Puppy Behavior and Training: Socialization and Fear Prevention

    La socialización es un proceso durante el cual el cachorro aprende sobre sí mismo, sobre su especie y sobre otras especies con las que convivirá. Otro concepto importante relacionado con el desarrollo del cachorro es la habituación.

  • Many pets are sensitive to being restrained for grooming. With slow progress and positive rewards, your pet can learn to accept or even enjoy having their teeth cleaned.

  • When leaving home for vacations, pet owners are confronted with the problem of what to do with their pets. Should they take them along or leave them at home? Reviewing a summary of boarding options and travel guidelines will make the decision easier while safeguarding the well-being of your pet and providing your own peace of mind.

  • Following certain steps and offering rewards and praise instead of reprimands will put a positive spin on a dreaded task. This will help make nail trimming a more pleasant experience for both you and your dog. If all else fails, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for further help.

  • Deafness does not affect a dog's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. Two keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signals and learning what the dog finds rewarding. Deaf dogs need special supervision such as leashing and safe fencing and may startle more easily than dogs that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a dog with normal hearing.

  • "Drop it" is an important life skill for dogs. Playing fetch can be more fun when your dog releases the toy for you to toss. A "drop it" cue can be a life-saver if your dog ever gets hold of something that could hurt him. "Drop it" can be easily trained using positive-reinforcement methods.

  • Teething in puppies lasts from about 3 to 6 weeks of age and again from 12 to 24 weeks of age. Safe chew toys are an important source of energy release, but if puppies are not stimulated sufficiently, or supervised carefully, they will chew elsewhere. Occasionally, retained baby teeth or other dental abnormalities can occur that need to be addressed by your veterinarian. It is important to get your puppy used to having their mouth manipulated for exams and teeth brushing.

  • Teaching a dog to come when called is perhaps the most important behavior we ever teach. You can train a reliable recall using positive reinforcement and it can be incorporated into daily play time. Puppies should be set up to succeed by having training challenges, such as distractions, added gradually. Until a recall is reliable, puppies should be held on leash when they are not in a secure, fenced area.

  • Treating Fear of Storms and Fireworks in Dogs

    La mejor manera de abordar este problema son los programas de desensibilización sistemática y contra-condicionamiento.