Illustrated Articles

Behavior & Training

  • Some dogs exhibit signs of distress when they are left alone. Separation related behaviors include vocalizing, panting, pacing, and house soiling. Treatment includes behavior modification and, in some cases, medication.

  • Dogs often steal objects to play with them or to get someone to chase them. Stealing thus becomes rewarding to the dog. Supervision to prevent stealing is the best strategy. It is important to refrain from chasing your dog to retrieve stolen goods. Dogs can be trained to give back stolen items.

  • Urination during greetings occurs due to emotional conflict. The behavior may reflect submissive behavior or excitement but as is largely involuntary. Punishment is contraindicated. Treatment includes teaching dogs to greet calmly and teaching people to avoid assertive gestures.

  • What is normal and what is not? The answer is: when the behavior is harmless or just annoying, it is probably normal. When the behavior is destructive, disruptive, or places people or other pets at risk, it is not normal. Addressing the problems early, before they become ingrained, is the best hope for avoiding future problems. Dogs will be dogs, but people are still ultimately responsible for them.

  • Chewing is a normal behavior for puppies and adult dogs, but it can be unsafe when non-food items are ingested. Supervision combined with ample access to appropriate, appealing chew toys can prevent and reduce inappropriate chewing. In some cases, destructive chewing is abnormal and may reflect an underlying physical or behavioral illness. Consult your veterinarian if you are concerned.

  • Dogs dig for a variety of reasons. It may be done to accomplish a goal that, to a dog, is reasonable, but it can also be a sign of an underlying behavior disorder. This handout describes the most common causes of destructive digging and methods that can be used to manage it.

  • Many veterinarians, including nutritionists and behaviorists, believe it is important for dogs and cats to express their natural foraging and hunting behaviors. For pets living indoors, this can be difficult, and the lack of this stimulation can sometimes lead to behavior problems. Enriching a pet's environment with food toys and puzzles at mealtimes can fulfill the need to forage. The use of toys, puzzles and other novel methods of food delivery can also be effective ways to increase daily movement in overweight or inactive pets.

  • Sólo es necesario enseñarle unas cuantas reglas básicas, pero puede durar muy poco tiempo o en ocasiones varios días o varias semanas. Esto no implica que podamos confiar en que el cachorro vaya por la casa sin hacerse nada.

  • Behavior Management: Pet Selection Guidelines

    Pueden evitarse muchos problemas de salud y de comportamiento en las mascotas pidiendo consejo antes de adquirirlas. Estos consejos ayudan, primero, a seleccionar la mejor mascota para una familia en particular, para lo cual hay que tener en cuenta la especie, la raza, la edad y el sexo del animal, y también el lugar en el que se va a adquirir.

  • The estrous cycle, better known as a female cat's heat cycle, consists of several stages; the stage called estrus refers to when the female is sexually receptive. This handout explains the age of onset, the clinical signs of a cat in heat, the length and phases of the heat cycle, as well as the benefits of spaying a female before her first heat cycle.