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  • Medical Services

    For more information on ultrasound & endoscopy please visit: Our knowledgeable staff and our facilities allow us to deal with a variety of medical conditions your pet may experience. We hope we do not have to see you or…

  • Nutritional Counseling

    Animals have various nutritional requirements depending on their age, breed and health status. Decisions regarding your pet’s nutrition should not be made without first consulting a veterinarian. Geriatric animals have significantly different requirements than young growing puppies or kittens. Animals…

  • Pet Supplies

    Our retail area provides you with a variety of pet supplies from food to bathing needs. You are assured that the food, treats, and other accessories are ‘vet approved’ for your pet.

  • Surgical Services

    We provide many surgical services at our clinic including routine spay and neuters, soft-tissue surgeries and orthopedic surgeries. Occasionally, we refer our patients to specialists (board certified veterinary surgeons) to perform complex operations.

  • Wellness and Vaccination Programs

    Our wellness and vaccination programs are designed to prevent disease and prolong the lives of your companion animals. Disease prevention is always less costly than dealing with the treatment of a disease once your pet has developed it. An example…