LifeLearn News
Sep 24 2015
September 28 is World Rabies Day
There are a lot of myths about rabies – and those myths could be deadly. September 28 is World Rabies Day, so please take a moment to look at some…
Sep 17 2015
September 20 to 26 is National Deaf Dog Awareness week!
It can be easy for a deaf dog to be stressed out and develop anxiety problems if he is constantly startled, or scolded for doing the wrong thing when he…
Sep 10 2015
Litter training your kitten
Animal shelters and rescues are still flooded with cats and kittens at this time of year, so if you’ve been thinking of adopting a fluffy ball of love, now’s a…
Sep 03 2015
Fall Kittens
Cats can give birth to kittens all year long, but fall is often called “kitten season” because the kittens from spring and summer are ready for their furever home as…
Aug 27 2015
Stinky Wet Dogs
“Ugh, dog, you stink!” Ever say that to your furry bestie when he comes for a snuggle straight from the rain, sprinkler, pool or pond? You’re not imagining it –…
Aug 20 2015
Helping Pets Cope with Back-to-School
While it’s still summer, the stores are stocked with paper and pencils and other supplies – it’s nearly time to go back to school. This can be a very hectic…
Aug 13 2015
August 15 is National Check the Chip Day!
It’s that time of year again – time to check those microchips! In 2009, a study reported that pets arriving at a shelter with microchip identification are much more likely to make…
Aug 06 2015
Cats and Stress
Just like people, cats can get stressed out – and it’s never a good thing. Cats that are feeling highly stressed for long periods of time can show behavioral changes,…
Jul 30 2015
Heat Stroke in Dogs, Part 2: Recognizing and Treating Heat Stroke
Last week we talked about preventing heat stroke in dogs. Even if you are doing everything right, it is important for you to recognize the warning signs. Dogs who are…
Jul 23 2015
Heat Stroke in Dogs, Part 1: Prevention
Heat stroke is a serious concern for dogs. When their body temperature rises from the normal 101.5 degrees to roughly 104 or 105, they lose the ability to regulate their…