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Common Emergencies for Dogs

By February 15, 2018 July 8th, 2019 blog

Common Emergencies for Dogs

We know emergencies are scary, but as a pet parent, one of the best things you can do for your pup is to remain calm, have a first-aid kit on hand (bandaging material, splint, pet safe ointments and muzzle) and be prepared for common emergencies in dogs with these tips from your Cambridge Emergency Vet, Emergency Veterinary Clinic of Waterloo Region.

When to Visit an Emergency Vet for Dogs

Because dogs cannot talk, it can be difficult to know when the concern requires immediate care. Whenever you are unsure, call your vet for advice. Always visit an emergency vet for dogs for these instances:


When your dog ingests or has skin contact with poisons and toxins, do not induce vomiting. Call a vet or poison control for instructions.


For a bleeding injury, apply pressure with a towel or tie a tourniquet to reduce bleeding to a slow trickle (not a full stop) before coming to our Cambridge emergency vet.


If your dog is choking or pawing at his mouth, use both of your hands to open the mouth. Press the lips over the teeth to protect your fingers while you remove the obstruction. If you are not able to do this, call the vet for instructions before coming in.


For a seizure lasting one minute or longer, wrap your dog in a blanket until the convulsing stops; then unwrap. If the seizure lasts less than four minutes, create a quiet, dark environment and call for further instructions. If the seizure continues past four minutes, unwrap doggy and immediately come to your emergency vet Cambridge.

Make an Appointment with Our Vets

We are here to help. Call your emergency vet Cambridge when you have a cat or dog emergency: (519) 650-1617.

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