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What to Do If Your Pet Is Hit By a Car

By December 22, 2017 July 8th, 2019 blog

What to Do If Your Pet Is Hit By a Car in Cambridge, ON

When a dog or cat is hit by a car, it is an event that is extremely upsetting. However, it is important to try to stay calm and clearheaded so you can provide adequate care until the dog or cat is able to receive veterinary care. Emergency Veterinary Clinic of Waterloo can provide treatment of wounds and surgery for injured animals. In the meantime, follow these recommended steps to help your pet before professional care is provided.

Make Sure You Protect Yourself

Get out of traffic or ask bystanders to help direct traffic to the area of injury. Experts recommend fashioning a muzzle out of cloth to place around the animal’s mouth to prevent biting that may occur if the animal is in pain.

Perform CPR If Necessary

If the animal has stopped breathing or is unconscious, you may have to perform CPR to preserve its life. The process is similar to human CPR. First, ensuring it is safe to do so, check the animal’s mouth for obstructions in the airway. Extend the animal’s neck. Place your mouth over the dog’s nose for large animals or over the nose and mouth for small animals and gently blow into it until the chest is seen to rise for two breaths. Alternate with chest compressions at the same rate as humans.

Apply Pressure to Slow Bleeding

If the animal is bleeding, place a blanket, towel or cloth over the wound and apply pressure. Do not attempt to clean or treat the wound. Take the animal directly to a veterinarian.

Cover Your Pet to Prevent Shock

A dog or cat with internal injuries or bleeding can quickly go into shock. Acquire a blanket or other covering to place over the animal as you transport it for veterinary care to keep it warm.

Carry Your Dog or Cat – Make A Sling for Transporting

Small pets can be carried to a vehicle for transport to the emergency vet. However, for large animals, you may have to construct a sling that will allow you to carry the animal to the vehicle with the help of bystanders.

Get To an Emergency Vet Immediately

If your pet is injured during normal office hours, you may be able to take him or her to the nearest veterinarian for care. However, if the accident occurs during off-hours or on the weekend, take the animal to a Cambridge animal hospital that can provide appropriate treatment.

Emergency Vet Clinic of Waterloo Offers 24-Hour Care for Veterinary Emergencies

At Emergency Vet Clinic of Waterloo, we have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to care for injuries that occur from car accidents. We are available 24 hours a day, with compassionate care for your pet when an emergency arises.

Call Emergency Vet Clinic of Waterloo at 519-650-1617 when you have a pet emergency and need help immediately.

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